2.0 Introduction
this study researcher want to identify materials are uses in collage
technique beside that researcher want to identify student’s
creativity student to in making artwork based on collage technique. Based on researcher
study to create a collage technique student should know the part of
materials to make collage technique, the technical and surface are student
uses, the exploration/ experimental by student to create a collage technique
and the expression: emphasis and direction.
in the early 1990 some Dadaist artist dropped scraps of colored paper as they
stood and ladders and pasted the pieces with no attempt at design, even
nowadays many children or some among of adults’ alike carry on collage activities
with little or organization. But there are just do a collage technique it’s
depend that their mind, so from that researcher want to develop creativity
student to make a more creative artwork based on collage technique. In make a
collage technique student should know the element of design that are essential
to their work the element is line, shape, form , space, color and texture it’s
that important and value so on. Collage artist often tend to behave like
squirrels or pack rats, gathering all kind of materials and storing them away
for eventual incorporation into their artwork. Fabric collagists have drawers
full of scraps, woven worn and new.
also can be two-dimension and three dimension fine art form generally involving
the adhering of various kind of papers and other materials to a support and
often supplemented with one or more of the painting or drawing media. Such fine
artworks usually involve skillful selection and manipulation of materials,
carefully developed personal technique highly sensitive uses of design or
composition concept. Collagists employ the element that is essential to their
work is line, shape, color, value, texture, and space.
are often referred to as the building blocks of arts structure like
bricks, stone, mortar are used to construct architectural edifices ,
shape in art build strength into the structure of the composition. In this
study has five type of shape is geometric shape, biomorphic shape, implied
shape, amorphous shape, actual shape.
shape outer edge helps give it a character that distinguishes it from others.
Shape also describes as objectives, naturalistic, representational or realistic
depending on the context. The type of shape is geometric shape include circle,
ovals, squares, rectangles, triangles, hexagon, pentagon, and others
mathematically derived shapes. Beside that biomorphic shape its display edges
of a rounded, curving and sometime undulating nature that suggest living
organisms or natural forces.
2.1 Literature Review
2.1.0 Collage and tool and materials: According (Brown, 1998) “The tools and
materials you need to begin collaging are simple and inexpensive. Once you’re
hooked on collage, you may graduate to more exotic (and expensive) paper and
fabrics, but your tools will still be simple and cheap. The only exception is
the cost of a dry-mount press, if you decide to go that way”. The author try to
brief a basic about tools and material to making a collage artwork, actually
the tools or materials is not from the expensive thing but if someone be more
creative just buy a cheap tools materials, and its better if has a discarded
materials because the creative artwork it’s not based only the materials but the
creative thinking to create composition in making artwork based on collage
2.1.1 Assembling the collage: According (Brown, 1998) “These twelve
demonstration shows you how to assemble a variety of collage in easy to follow
steps. The first four demonstration use simple”. The twelve that means author
try to create a simple artwork based on collage technique based on construction
paper the first is winter scene, mountains, still life, reflection pointers,
harbour hillside, bull darham barn, watercolor mood, perspective pointer,
moonlit harbour, sunflowers and quilts, shadow pointers, farmland, city street,
and realism based on abstract materials the all step actually based on
construction paper. So that a paper its can be a main materials to create an
artwork based on collage technique, beside that the materials from papers also
its easy to make by student because a paper it’s easy to found and cheap and the
part of technical also it’s easy to making by student.
2.1.2 Papers of different
surface: According (Haley, 1971) some
of the surface will often suggest definite uses,
2.1.3 Technology approaches:
According (Brommer,
1994) environment in various ways to present a new look and new image
through collage
2.1.4 Assembling a
collage in Photoshop: According (Bloom, 2011) in the book “Collage
are beautiful, they have the ability to combine many images and texture in a
unique manner, they can have the delicacy of a butterfly wing or the graphic
nature of a wanted poster, we will explore various methods of assembling this
type of artwork”. This statement is tell about to create a collage must be many
image that has put on artwork to be a more creative because the underlying of
image actually give a beautiful effect on artwork. To create an artwork by
collage the element are most important is texture and color.
2.1.5 Editing Photoshop:(Henri, 1923) “Photoshop is the
ideal tools for making collage” that means the software Photoshop its can
create a collage to constructed by cutting and pasting image and object
together. In Photoshop also the each of element can reside on its own layer
actually the image can produce a composition and related the principal of art
that student should know.
2.1.6 Exploration: attitude, material and
technique According: (Brommer, 1994) “Anything goes “or “anything is
possible”, “a spirit that to experiment many combinations of media and
materials”. This fact is about to create collage technique student should do
some exploration materials and use a many media to develop collage technique
this is because the overlapping of media its can produce an artwork more
creative and has some meaning. Beside that the media are uses actually can
construct the image student are applied in their artwork.
2.1.7 Texture in photograph:
According (Palmer, 1972) ”sometimes special photographic
materials are used to obtain certain effects in the graphic of the mass media”.
In the book of visual awareness the texture on photographs are related with a
technology approach in making artwork based on collage technique. Many kind of
collage can be developed from a single photographic images. Some of these
exploration will get an own creativity will provide further idea and direction.
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